Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We must have been good...

AHA... today was the day...
Well actually yesterday was the day we picked up our new boards..
It's like opening (late) Christmas presents...
Santa must like us over here!! haha..
Karen, Daniel, I'm soooo sorry but we have to keep up the
anticipation for you guys... So there aren't any pictures
of your boards yet...
An other explanation is that we have no more credit on
our cards... Any way... Believe me Karen, your board is awesome!!
Daniel, maybe you have been a bad boy.. yours still isn't ready..
But I guess your not in a hurry... ;D
I can tell you Dom's board is awesome and very light weight...
Oh no wait... no it's not!! :o

You guys will need a carrier... or only surf SanO... (Hint)

On this photo Dom thought that waxing was hard work... try carrying it to the
Le Rozel waterline at low tide!!

Let's make something clear right here right now..
No women.. not Karen nor me will ever carry these boards!! ;)

Then it was my turn waxing my board...
I love how it came out.. love the colors and it doesn't look too girly
for me.. yewwwww.....

the cloth...

So today there were supposed to be big waves... so Dom decided not to
bring his new board to the beach.. I did.. and I'm so lucky..
Small but fun waves!! hahaha... paddling out... on a wave..
This boards is really easy to ride, unlike I thought it would be..
Real steady, fun old school feel to it but easy..
I'm in love!! <3

More on the boards later... Tomorrow morning I think we will go and
have a look at yet an other van... looks promising on pictures...
but they always do!! :o
Fingers crossed!!

Miss you guys at home!!! Keep us posted on the Belgiam storm!!
Be safe!!

1 comment:

  1. OOOh your board is looking excellent!!! ja da stofke werkt perfect jong! hooray!... Ik kan niet wachten om ons plankje te zien!
