Friday, January 13, 2012

Does it get any better then this?

Hi friends...
I heard you're reading our blog... cool!! Thanks!! :D
So yesterday we drove up to LA to return the rental car..
(YAY, finally no more rental!!)
No problems going up there... drinving back... hug...
All the way from LAX till home we were stuck in traffic!!
Yes Vanessa you warned us, but it went soooo well
driving up that we thought we should be fine on the way back..
Stress cause the car was behaving badly..
And we new it drinks oil like a bad alcoholic!!
So yes.. bit stressed... But against all odds we made it back ok..
(small detail.. no more oil in the motor!!) oops...
Enough!! oh boy...
Words can't even describe how perfect today was!!

Glassy as a mirror this morning!!

Steven on the special foam board...

Kaitlin (and Steven) are expecting!! CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!

Vanessa ripin'!!!

Me (finally) getting my confidence back!!

The bus is hangin' with us at the beach...

And the sunset being as gorgeous as ever!! :D

It truly was the most beautiful, sunny, warm en
fun day!!! It cannot get any better then this!!

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