Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thank you Jeff!!!

Yesterday it was raining, so not much going on..
Today was a whole different story.
Jeff was so kind to drive us up to the VW mechanic
to drop off the deposit to rebuild an engine for our van...
Not only that...
He honored us with making us breakfast.. the best pancakes
you'll ever have!!! Or one pancake.. they are bigger
than huge!! hahahaha...

We have proof... hehe..

Moist inside and there is banana and apple in there as well... OMG!!!

Jeff grew up in Laguna Beach, so on the way back from
Costa Mesa we drove around in Laguna and checked
out all the different brakes...

Cresent Bay, Laguna Beach,CA

Jeff sharing experiences and memories...

No tiny waves today...

One of many expensive Laguna Beach homes...

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