Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Experiences of the night..

Oh here are some of my experiences I wanted to share with you
guys..Today we found out about 'taco Tuesday'...
Every Mexican restaurant in San Clemente serve
tacos for cheaper.... 

We where invited by Steven Luciani to join him so we went
to Hapa J's for taco's.... We were chatting away...
bumped in to Christian Wach and Hanna...
Nothing out of the ordinary...

Cause of taco Tuesday it was really busy, so when we
finished eating this guy that works there walks up to our table 
and ask us if he can give the table to waiting people and offers
each of us a cocktail as compensation...
That was a first, but of course we were totally fine rounding up....

Second experience is at the San Clemente Starbucks..
I order a Chinese green tea (thinking of Daniel).. and the girls says
they or out of Chinese green tee.. So she list's the other possibilities
and after I chose she said
'If you don't like it I'll change it right up for you'....

I'm telling you... Only in America!!
Remember Karen last time at Antoine's Cafe, when she redid
our coffee twice and still we ended up not having to pay for it..
Client's king!!! :o


  1. Here in Belgium, you get bad ass weather all for freee, and you get it in double portions!! WHoohooo only in Belgium! :D hahaha you left at the exact perfect moment dear friends! enjoy!

  2. Ja zeg, straf da weer in Belgie.... khoop dat je ni van uwe velo geblazen zijt!! :o Hopelijk gaat de winter toch ni te hard worden!! We missen jullie zenne!! We hebben sinds een paar uur internet thuis... skypen kan dus vanaf nu!! ;D
