Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sunshine, no surf...

Yesterday we were up early, drive down to the beach..
We found clouds and mini waves..
Do decided to out no matter what, but after surfing for an hour
came in and told me it wasn't worth going out..
And it was cold!! Later we were enjoying the sunshine in the
garden, now the trees are gone!! :D

And for dinner we spoiled ourselves by going to Nick's
in San Clemente.. GOOD FOOD!! :p

Today the sun is already out..
Supposably there are no waves, but we're
driving down anyway!!

Sorry... this is a cool picture of the best licorices in the world!!
hahaha.. MMmmmmm....


  1. Als we ze nog vinden tegen dan.. met plezier!! Soms verdwijnen bepaalde producten ineens bij Sprouts.. :(
