Sunday, January 1, 2012

Niko heaven!! hihi...

HAPPY NEWYEAR everybody!!!!! :D
What to do on the first day of the year?? Hummm.... guested it right... SanO surfing dude!!...
(good title for a song..)
The waves were really good!! Our paddle strength
not so much!! :o But it is so much fun to see everybody
down on the beach!!!
Oh, Karen and Daniel... we saw your boards!!!
Actually only Daniel's board is still in the glass shop,
but the others are ready...
Such beautiful boards!!!!!!!! hahahaha..
We haven't picked them up yet...
but hopefully we'll get there in time tomorrow...
Today we went to go see 2 VW buses...
the first was just over priced...
So was the second one but price/quality was better...
Tomorrow we are going to go see yet an other one..
keep you posted on that!!
Next  Saturday is an other edition of the Pamona swap meet,
so we may find a bus there, or parts...
But very important and exciting was meeting Lynn
and moving into her house!!!
It's a nice early 70's house with some gorgeous
furniture in there!!! And a cool sunny garden... YAY!!!! :D
Here's Dom in the kitchen/dinning room/one of the living rooms...

The kitchen is old but practical!! And this is one of
the furniture peaces I would wanna take home..

Of of this space is the garden...
This is the 7am sun creeping over the fence... :D

 But what the title of this post means...
the garden is full of huge cactuses!!
Apparently it all started off with a small peace of cactus Lynn planted,
but now it's gotten ' out of control'... hahaha... We love it!!

This one looks like a tree... to big to fit inside I'm afraid Niko...

And all along side of the house...

We only need to get the internet hooked up now so we
don't need to go to Starbucks to surf..
It's a hard knock life!!!! HAHAHAHAHA.... ;)

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