Wednesday, November 10, 2010

San Diego surfing

Today we met Stefan Vanderelst and his surf buddy at Dog Beach SD..
If u thought that all man there are 'Dogs' (writes a woman) you're wrong..
It's beach wre dogs are allowed to swim and have great fun in the waves..
We were happy somebody had fun.. Well we had fun aswell,
but the waves weren't all that great. So no tail wiggling for us..

After that we were real hungry.. We found this old diner place.
The old townhouse..
I fell like we were in a movie!!
Then after some laziness at Dog Beach,
we decided to check out the surf at Cardiff.
Again the waves weren't very good,
but it sure have us the opportunity to make some beautiful pics!!

Some raindrops at sunset...

Dooh's aura...


  1. de foto's met de donkere wolken op de achtergrond en de auto zijn echt knap van kleur!

  2. heel mooie kleuren!!!
    en jep.. den auto is gefixt.. en ondertussen hebben we ook terug wa vertrouwen in de remmen gekregen!! :)
