Monday, November 29, 2010

Other stars..

Koentje, zoals beloofd... the day report..
Spijtig genoeg gene surf... scheelt eigenlijk aan ons!!
We zijn te laat opgestaan waardoor de wind ons voor was.
Ni erg... dan maar wa chillen in San Clemente en Terry opbellen.
Before you know it... he is shaping an other board..
or... I am shaping!! ;D

and Dirkie's shaping... 

and Dooke's shaping... 

Dirkie + Bellie tandeming .... the board is good!!

This painting will (hopefully) be glassed in the board!!

This is a very good surfer we met... Pete Casica.

Terry shaped this 2 in 1 model board.. Pete did the glassing.
(notice the 2 fin boxes!!!!)

This is an other shaper we met: Terry Senate. Funny guy....

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