Monday, November 8, 2010

Lets make some people happy...

Hi everybody,
How are you doing?? Cold and miserable??
Hating us because we are in what seems to be close to paradise?
Well i think it's time we make you feel better just a little bit..

Today we thought we could go surf.. you know..
beautiful clean waves, and a sun that's burning your face..
Well... this is what we got..

A lot a wind... some rain just before sunrise and a North Sea swell..

Ok, the color of the water is different, but who cares..
All we care about is the wases right!?

Instead of sunbathing, we sat and ate chips just after the sunset at Ponto..
(local spot)
Just as nice, but not as warm and a little windier...

You feel better now??
You have to give it to us.. we are trying!!

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