Thursday, November 11, 2010


After the interesting colors of last night's sunset..

We checked out the sunset at Cardiff, and met up with Arnoud an Younes.
Arnoud is an Antwerp skater/ surfer, Younes is a (Moroccan) tattoo artist.

Arnoud having fun @ Cardiff.

Dogs absolutely adore the beach!!!

The best 4" surfer you'll ever see!

There are many, but this was one of the best sunsets we saw here!!

The waves at SanO appeared to be great, but the sun was already under..
to bad!! Tomorrow is an other day!!!


And... i baptized my chocolate board!!! it surfs like a longboard..
 only the weight is much less from the heavy 9'3 Bing board I'm used to now..
It is a very fun board... real happy with it!!


  1. U can't wait to lik the frisko!! hahahaha...
    Do heeft me gelukkig nog ni betrapt... het smaakt spijtig genoeg ni naar nen echten frisko.. tenzij dat da zout smaakt..(al lang geleden dak nog nen frisko gegeten heb..)
