Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Surfing Heritage Foundation..

After finishing my board today,
Terry invited us to the Surf Museum @ San Clemente..

Bisect Hobie from 1963!!!

This is the Japanese couple.. Mitch and Hioku...
She calls me Berrie..hihihi..

First Hobie stamp..

Never ending Cooperfish...

This is the guy that will glass my board.. ;D

Hioku wrote some Japanese... How cool is that!!!

We surfed @ SanO close to sunset.. but there was no one out..
Very small waves.. Sterling said to us.. I'll go out if you go!!..
That's what we did!! hihihi...


Monday, November 29, 2010

Other stars..

Koentje, zoals beloofd... the day report..
Spijtig genoeg gene surf... scheelt eigenlijk aan ons!!
We zijn te laat opgestaan waardoor de wind ons voor was.
Ni erg... dan maar wa chillen in San Clemente en Terry opbellen.
Before you know it... he is shaping an other board..
or... I am shaping!! ;D

and Dirkie's shaping... 

and Dooke's shaping... 

Dirkie + Bellie tandeming .... the board is good!!

This painting will (hopefully) be glassed in the board!!

This is a very good surfer we met... Pete Casica.

Terry shaped this 2 in 1 model board.. Pete did the glassing.
(notice the 2 fin boxes!!!!)

This is an other shaper we met: Terry Senate. Funny guy....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hollywood and Larry King.

Op zaterdag ochtend zijn we naar een ontbijttent geweest
waar Larry King elke dag zit.
Helaas was hij net uit het land tot maandag..

Bellie the Hollywood Bitch.. hahahaha...

Savonds dan eens Japans gaan eten.. LEKKER!! maar veel te veel!!

Chase-San enjoying the tempura....

Dirkie-San enjoying eating with sticks..

Bellie-San enjoying the soup..

En maar fretten!! :o
Da komt bij lange ni goe!!!

We did "The art of Chase tour" @ Venice.

Arriving @ the first peace.. some guys were admiring the art.. excelent!! :)

On the way 2 East block-Vanilla Ice lookalike posers waiting @ a red light.

Chase and a fellow artist R. Cronck from Venice.

R. Cronck doing a new peace... huge!!

I like!! :D

The man himself and his art..

Old peace from Chase + ... (oops.. forgot the name)


*Remember who you are

Dirkie in front of the very nice duplex apartment @ West Hollywood.

Venice.. gotta love it!!

Famous guitar player on wheels @ Venice.

Skate chicks


Venice shot.

Nice neighbourhood somewhere round Venice... A lot of design
and art and small boutiques.


The guys @ the farmers market in LA..
Notice the Christmas lights on the palm trees.

Fake, fake, and fake!!.. In dit huis zit Santa al met kindjes op de schoot!!

Wel mooie etalages!! ;D


We hebben ons heel goe geamuseerd!! :D

Jullie mogen meedoen in de wedstrijd.. Hoeveel bollen hanger in de boom?
De winnaar die juist raad op minder dan 50 kerstbollen na,
krijgt 100 kerstbollen!!

En gelukkig.. Sinds vandaag is Dirkie vant straat geraakt..

Sorry ladies.. you're to late!!