Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Got a little something extra..

Hi friends...
So sorry for letting you wait a few days..
But we were so busy...
Surfing and sunbathing all day long...
Ye, you guys in Belgium don't wanna hear this..
Better news..
We got the van back!! Running (almost) like new..
but we got an extra for free we didn't ask for..

It's not to bad... Must have been a bumper or so... but it does need
some work so it won't rust...

This pic was taken yesterday... Early in the morning the clouds
were coming in... Today there's a little rain... nothing
the Rain-X can't handle... (no wipers on the van!!)

So last night we picked up Mark from San Diego airport...
He surfed blown out conditions this morning..
(Rain brings wind...)
He's so jet lagged right now.. He's napping at 4 in the afternoon...

Nappy-time started in the car.. Just like a little kid..
hehe... Sleep tight Mark!!....


  1. Hey, blij dat alles nog prima is daar. Dankje voor de updates, begon ze al te missen. Wij hebben ongeveer hetzelfde weer momenteel, alleen ander werelddeel ;-)

  2. Hey rabarber, ben je al verliefd op San Diego? radijs
