Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Another day at the beach....

... and yet another b-day party.
Time for some carrot cake.

All we do is EAT, SURF and SLEEP!

Actually we did some extra today....
Already 7 surfboards needs to be shipped to Belgium.
The best way to do this, is ship the van with the boards inside....
As you can see, it's a tight fit.
Mark is ready to ship either.

Couple of days ago we've posted some surf pictures.
Bellie was kind of disappointed, because I didn't post a decent picture.
 Revenge today with a nice cross step and what's that coming over the hill, is a ....?
Yes a dolphin.

 While Bellie was surfing, we ate her chocolate....
Look at her face...she isn't happy....
No, she bumped her toe on her way paddling back in.
Luckily, no serious injury.

Ryo from Japan is back in town.... 
Always fun.
an atypical Japanese dude.


  1. First of all... Thank Do for the good pics of me this time.. och wait.. no....Secondly... THERE WERE NICE PICS OF ME SURFING YESTERDAY!!! Third and last... I would NEVER let you eat my chocolate!! hahaha... I'll update the blog tomorrow!! ;D

  2. 't wordt precies tijd dat den Do uit de zon blijft!

    Leuke foto's :-) Dankje om de dag hier een beetje op te warmen.

  3. We zijn blij dat jullie genieten van de foto's!! Den Do zalt nooit leren... ik smeer af en toe een kwak op zijn gezicht.. heeft het ni graag maar kan dan ni anders dan opensmeren..hihihi ;o
