Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can fish drawn??

5 interstate North @ 6:30 am...

They are looking for Mr. X again...

Driving up to SanO.

And there tey were... 2 Santa's!! ;D

Nice ad clean surf!! :D Excelent day to try out the bar of soap..

Ford + Volkswagen

Me stoked.. or having a heart attac.. I'm not sure!!
Jeff is defenately stoked!! hihhihi..

Seven surfboards in one car!!

Sunflower some guy gave to us..

Bus @ Cali in the winter sun...

1 comment:

  1. zalig!! die twee gasten samen :D
    zo aardige mensen, het is werkelijk een verademing! Buske ziet er trouwens ook behoorlijk fantastic uit!!
