Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hey everybody,
Here we are... Dirkie is a bid demotivated after a bad surf session..
We'll have to motivate him today to go surfing again..
The hot chicks on the beach might help.. ;D
So what did we do??

Mmmmm!!! A typical breakfast (for me) @ the Paniken in Leucedia:
Pain au chocolat and a croisant with a cafe au lait!! yummy stuff!!
Dirkie-San enjoyed the huevos rancheros,
and my man loves a bagel with egg and cheese!!

We where supposed to have a second look at a VW bus,
but the guy called us saying there is an electrical problem..
No way we want to buy that!! Such a shame cause the body on the bus is 
sooooooooo good!! :( 

Feeling a little bid down.. i asked Dooke to call an other bus..
We had a look at it.... and..
Drove it home!!
Now we are hoping it is a good bus!! 
here it is...

Smelling of gas.. but we'll deal with that!!

700 BLR... anybody knows what this means??? :)


  1. Jihii fantastisch! En zo'n mooitje! Allé Bellie, nu hebt ge weer een nieuw projectje. Ik zou voor rode gordijntjes gaan ;)

  2. The bus is called 'The refrigerator'... misschien moet ik gordijntjes met worsten. kaas en fruit op in hangen!!

  3. dan gaat ge wel veel vogelaanslagen hebben denk ik :)

  4. Cool, the refridgerator. Waar gaat ge die nog parkeren in Belgie ?

  5. The refrigirator is te koop.. interesse?
